If you would like to add a banner to your Blackboard site that has black and white images with a colour overlay, here's how to do it:
- In Photoshop click File, New. Type the file name (Banner), and set the width to 1132, and the height to 200. These are not fixed numbers, you can choose others.
- Find and image from the web or wherever that you would like to use, and save it (downloads is a nice place).
Then in Photoshop, File, Open.
- Find the image, then Open.
- Set the image height to be the same as your banner height by clicking File, Image size, height 200, OK.
- Copy the image (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C)
- In the banner, paste the image (Ctrl+V). It will create a new layer with that image.
- Use the move tool (type the V key) and drag the image to where you would like it.
- Make the image black and white (unless it is already) by clicking
Image, Adjustments, Black and White.
- OK
- Click File, Adjustments, Photo Filter.
- Pick a general colour, then a specific hue, OK. Then set the density.
- Click the Type tool, choose a colour, click in the banner and type text. You can move the text by clicking and holding outside the text area and dragging.
- Save the file as the default psd so that you can edit it later if you need to. Save this in your Google drive or H drive so you can always access it.
- Also, save the file for the web (jpeg) so the web version can be posted in Blackboard.
- In Blackboard, click Customization, Teaching Style.