search fix

Friday, 29 January 2016

Fix for WordPress Courses sites with HTTPS issues

by Jesse Patching

It's possible to accidentally setup a WordPress Courses site which automatically redirects to the HTTPS version of the site instead of HTTP. When this happens, resources required by the theme and images in the course may not load correctly.

To fix this issue:
  1. Login to the Courses site as usual
  2. In the left hand sidebar, hover over "Dashboard" and click on "My Sites"
  3. On the "My Sites" page, click the "Manage Sites" link at the top left
  4. Find for your site in the list of Sites
  5. Hover over your site, and click "Edit"
  6. On the "Edit Site" page, click the "Settings" tab
  7. Make sure that the "Siteurl" and "Home" inputs start with "http://"

Thursday, 14 January 2016

install Wordpress from an xampp database

username: root
password: leave blank, there is no password using xampp (wamp uses "root" as the password)

install and run xampp as admin

even if you're logged in with admin access already!